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AmplifyRP® Acceler8® for PPV (Plum pox virus)
ACS 31505/0008
Categories AmplifyRP, Featured-MolBio
Size – 8T
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Products Details
Product Description
– AmplifyRP® Acceler8® for PPV is a rapid RNA amplification and detection platform designed for field-based or laboratory testing of prunus crops for Plum pox virus.
Plum pox virus (Sharka disease) is an aphid transmitted potyvirus that can cause significant loss of yield and marketability of stone fruit (peaches, plum, cherry, etc). PPV is found around the world and is of particular importance in Europe and other Mediterranean regions. PPV detections have been confirmed in the U.S. and Canada in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s which instigated large scale testing and eradication programs due to the severity of the disease.
AmplifyRP® Acceler8® enables users to rapidly amplify and test for PPV RNA at a single operating temperature using only a crude sample extract. Amplified product is then tested in an Amplicon Detection Chamber where clear “yes / no” results are read visually on a lateral flow strip (much like a pregnancy test). The entire testing process can be completed in as little as 30 minutes by users of any skill level.
AmplifyRP® Acceler8® for PPV was designed to run in GEB4 extraction buffer; the same extraction buffer used in Agdia’s PPV ELISA (USDA approved screening method for PPV) as well as the ImmunoStrip®. This allows molecular confirmation of ELISA or ImmunoStrip® results from the exact same plant extract.
AmplifyRP® Acceler8® for PPV detects ALL known strains of the virus including PPV-An, PPV-C, PPV-CR, PPV-D, PPV-EA, PPV-M, PPV-Rec, PPV-T, and PPV-W.
Plum pox virus (Sharka disease) is an aphid transmitted potyvirus that can cause significant loss of yield and marketability of stone fruit (peaches, plum, cherry, etc). PPV is found around the world and is of particular importance in Europe and other Mediterranean regions. PPV detections have been confirmed in the U.S. and Canada in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s which instigated large scale testing and eradication programs due to the severity of the disease.
AmplifyRP® Acceler8® enables users to rapidly amplify and test for PPV RNA at a single operating temperature using only a crude sample extract. Amplified product is then tested in an Amplicon Detection Chamber where clear “yes / no” results are read visually on a lateral flow strip (much like a pregnancy test). The entire testing process can be completed in as little as 30 minutes by users of any skill level.
AmplifyRP® Acceler8® for PPV was designed to run in GEB4 extraction buffer; the same extraction buffer used in Agdia’s PPV ELISA (USDA approved screening method for PPV) as well as the ImmunoStrip®. This allows molecular confirmation of ELISA or ImmunoStrip® results from the exact same plant extract.
AmplifyRP® Acceler8® for PPV detects ALL known strains of the virus including PPV-An, PPV-C, PPV-CR, PPV-D, PPV-EA, PPV-M, PPV-Rec, PPV-T, and PPV-W.
Web ID
– ACS 31505
– Room temperature
Kit Components
– Includes:
Acceler8® reaction pellets (8)
Amplicon detection chambers (8)
PD1 Pellet diluent (1.0 ml)
GEB4 sample extraction bags (8)
1µl transfer loops (10)
User Guide
Acceler8® reaction pellets (8)
Amplicon detection chambers (8)
PD1 Pellet diluent (1.0 ml)
GEB4 sample extraction bags (8)
1µl transfer loops (10)
User Guide
Features & Benefits
– Test Label: Biotin labeled primer / Fam labeled probe
Test Format: AmplifyRP® Acceler8®
Test Format: AmplifyRP® Acceler8®
Disclaimer: All products are for Research use only unless clearly stated otherwise on the product datasheet. Datasheets provided on the website are drafts for reference purpose only and you are requested to always refer to the hard copy included in the kit for your experimentation. Agdia Products are available for delivery only in Canada.