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Etomoxir (sodium salt)

SKU HY-50202A-10 mg Category Tags ,


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Product Description

– Etomoxir((R)-(+)-Etomoxir) sodium salt is an irreversible inhibitor of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1a (CPT-1a), inhibits fatty acid oxidation (FAO) through CPT-1a and inhibits palmitate β-oxidation in human, rat and guinea pig[1].

Web ID

– HY-50202A

Storage Temperature

– -20°C (Powder, protect from light, stored under nitrogen)


– Blue Ice


– Cancer-programmed cell death

Molecular Formula

– C15H18ClNaO4


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– [1]Roddy S O’Connor, et al. The CPT1a inhibitor, etomoxir induces severe oxidative stress at commonly used concentrations.Sci Rep. 2018 Apr 19;8(1):6289.|[2]Fred Y Xu,et al.Etomoxir mediates differential metabolic channeling of fatty acid and glycerol precursors into cardiolipin in H9c2 cells.J Lipid Res. 2003 Feb;44(2):415-23.|[3]Jun Li, et al. FFA-ROS-P53-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis contributes to reduction of osteoblastogenesis and bone mass in type 2 diabetes mellitus.Sci Rep. 2015 Jul 31;5:12724.|[4]Joost J F P Luiken, et al. Etomoxir-induced partial carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I (CPT-I) inhibition in vivo does not alter cardiac long-chain fatty acid uptake and oxidation rates.Biochem J. 2009 Apr 15;419(2):447-55.

CAS Number

– 828934-41-4

Molecular Weight

– 320.74

Compound Purity

– 99.73


– ClC1=CC=C(OCCCCCC[C@@]2(CO2)C(O[Na])=O)C=C1

Clinical Information

– No Development Reported

Research Area

– Metabolic Disease; Cancer


– DMSO : 50 mg/mL (ultrasonic)|H2O : 5 mg/mL (ultrasonic)


– Apoptosis


– Apoptosis

Product type

– Reference compound

Disclaimer: All products are for Research use only unless clearly stated otherwise on the product datasheet. Datasheets provided on the website are drafts for reference purpose only and you are requested to always refer to the hard copy included in the kit for your experimentation. Agdia Products are available for delivery only in Canada.

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